Monday, November 15, 2010

Ninja Swords at the Beach

I made a video last night and in it some new art made its debut.  I will now put it here as well.

DJRM studios would like to introduce the newest beach accesory, Ninja Swords.

First we have actress Hayden Panettiere at the beach with her bikini ninja sword.

Actress Nina Dobrev is carrying twin swords to her day at the beach.

And finally actress Kristen Bell also likes to have a ninja sword handy when she takes a swim in the ocean.

DISCLAIMER: DJRM Studios does not in reality endorse bringing an actual ninja sword to the beach.  And for you smarty pants out there, yes it is in fact a ninja sword and not a samurai sword.  There is a difference between ninja swords and samurai swords.  If you want to know more about it, go look it up.

And remember whenever you are out in cyberspace,
Lain is watching, Lain loves you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hey everybody, remember my shark art.
Well I took it a step further and created Shark Jesus.

Nowhere in the bible does it say Jesus was not a shark.

And here we have a Shark Jesus motivational poster.

And here he have... uh... Green Shark Jesus?... yeah this one did not turn out as good as the others but I decided to post it anyway.

I hope you enjoy Shark Jesus.

And remember,
we all live on a yellow submarine.